Managing Current Market Conditions: Transform Your Report Deliverables and Drive Business Performance

In today's competitive landscape, the efficiency and quality of technical reports are more critical than ever. In this webinar, you'll learn how Quire's innovative Technical Report Management (TRM) platform can revolutionize your approach to creating and delivering technical report and proposal deliverables, cutting development time by up to 70%.

  • Introduction to Quire TRM: Discover the only platform designed to streamline, automate, and accelerate the entire development-to-delivery process of technical reports and commercial proposals.
  • From Inefficiency to Ease: We address the common frustrations project-driven companies face with technical report management and showcase how Quire TRM simplifies data collection, writing, editing, and management—transforming it into an efficient, streamlined process.
  • Competitive Advantage Through TRM: Learn how the technical report process could actually lift up your business by driving more efficiency, more growth, higher margin, and better client satisfaction. 
  • Comprehensive Platform Capabilities: Quire TRM is not just about report writing. It integrates mobile app solutions for field data collection, automated workflows for better collaboration, and analytics for informed decision-making. Discover how Quire connects with leading applications and data sources for a seamless experience.

See how Quire equips you with analytics for data-driven decisions, boosting your bottom line in this on-demand webinar.



Meet the Expert

Kelly L Stratton

Kelly L. Stratton

Quire Founder, President & Chief Product Officer

She’s done time in the field as a civil and environmental engineer. She knows first-hand what it’s like trying to integrate data and details manually at 4 a.m. the day the report’s due. She’s in it to win it—which is why she took out a second mortgage to build Quire.

She didn’t do it alone. There’s an entire team of recovering report writers, engineers and customer services reps that make Quire the game-changing solution that it is.

Not convinced? Learn more about Quire by visiting our website.